Im so tired

I just had a fucking argument with somebody I care for and fuck man i'm just so mad I cant with this shit I love this person so much but they had the stupidest fucking points and wouldnt take no for an answer, im literally like talking to them as i write this but fuck man like, how am i meant to feel, like i got them to drop but im so mad right now, im so tired and i just wanna decompress rn, like jesus, i hate "debates" because they just turn into fucking arguments im so fucking done, i just want a hug rn but i aint got nobody to hug, im so sick of this shit, bro like it was such a small argument but man fucking hell im so ready to get high and ignore my problems which i know is the worst thing to do in this situation, like drugs should not be a coping mechinsim but fuck man, i just, i hate being angry, im better then this, i just, idk man, what am i doing writing this stupid vent, you people dont wanna read this, ill just get to updating the website


