Yrtne thgie

I'm not typing this from my bus today, im typing it from my buisness managment class... fun. Bro i'm so happy i'm dropping this class it is AWFUL, it's not hard, it's just brainknumbing, like it's just, do notes while the teacher talks, do the work, and then sit around and do nothing while everyone complains about how hard it is, I hate this, I have nobody to talk to either so i'm just bored out of mind. I can't wait to switch into computer science it's gonna be so much better.

Rant aside, bro I just bought Night In The Woods on steam, bro I can't wait to play it, I still need to download it, it should be playable on linux I hope, it's a unity game so I should be fine. I love the art style it's so damn charming, bro like man I love indie games. What yall know about Presentable Liberty, it's a beatiful game, RIP to Wertpol, that game story wise is brilliantly told it really does derserve so much more attention then it got

Right now i'm just kinda vibing nothing awful has happened, I have friends again, i'm happy enough, anyways I don't really know what to say now and I have to write the css for this entry, anyways bye byeeeeeeeeee



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