the most FOURtified entry

My god gender dysphoria has been kicking my ass today, like genuinly, I can't wait until I can cut my shit off, genuinly rn I just wanna guzzle estrogen and grab a pair of shears and go to town, fuck I hate waiting ;-;

I don't have class today so i'm updating this from my bed which feels nice. I have been having a lot of ideas when it comes to this website, i'm planning to add a DLC's tab in the index menu for lil shitposts or lore dumps, I don't know how neocites work but if people start liking this shit i'm gonna do a QnA or something idk.

Bro having a creative outlet is really nice, because honestly this is what this is, I know a lot of people diary and journal for like mental health, that aint me dawg. I'm doing this for fun, i'm doing this for my creative need, sure sometimes I vent a lil like at the start of this entry, but I just need to have a creative outlet because idk I just need one to not be increadbly depressed... it's almost like... people need a purpose. Theres a lot of people who ask about the purpose of life, I don't believe humans have a purpose other than the instinct to not fucking die, other then not dying and have kids who don't die, I don't think other then the base things all animals want I think our purpose is person by person. The way humans have evolved has allowed us to push passed instincts and want other things, and here is where I think people get lost, they lack a purpose because for the most part our base needs are covered. So now I believe thats why a lot of people want to do SOMETHING, because they want a purpose, thats why rich people work still, they can't just sit around and do nothing, thats barley a life worth living for 10+ years.

Very off topic, but I don't really use reddit for much, but theres one subreddit thats really funny but really sad, as a boykisser, I find the boykisser meme really funny, so I follow the boykisser subreddit, but that subreddit has fallen into the arms of despire, it's deadass now just children being horny, then getting groomed, then the rest of the posts are people complaining about the horny children(very fairly) so theres no more memes, it's just children getting groomed, then people grooming children, then people complaining about the other two, like its fucking wild.

Any ways I wanna go implement some more features so imma drag my estrogen munching ass outta here, have a wonderful day goofy goobers!!



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