Entry 2 electric boogaloo

I spent my whole morning debugging this website which was "fun", it is what it is tho, If I want to code i'll have to debug. My mood has been strange recently, my whole mind state has just been frazzled, my irl life is in shambles lmao, everything gets really quite and nice then explodes and everthing changes, but thats life isnt it?

I'm typing this from my music class, I should be practicing my listening ability but in reality all I really wanna do is have a project I care about, i'm planning on just spending my time refining this website to make it something i'm happy with, then just use the refined format and make daily entrys. I'm not sure how Neocites works but i'm probably gonna start making other websites, fuck it I might even add easter eggs to this website, a little ARG if you will.

Fuck speaking of ARG's, I remember I tried making one for my music and I don't know how people have the effort to pump out shitty ARG's that are all pretty much the same, because trying to run and set up one is really fucking hard, i'm not trying to rag on other creatives because I can't really do much better, but still if I see another fucking hyper cryptic mandella catalouge aesthetic ARG imma be furious.

Bad ARG's made me remember the fucking miriad of bad SCP's, ill keep this yap to a minimum but ong i'm so sick of "this is SCP 3269420 and he literally god and can beat goku with 50% of his foreskins power level" I love these like, open source story communitys, the way people band together for a creative project is fucking increadble, but i'm so sick of these cool projects devolving into power scalers jacking eachother off.

I was gonna say sorry for this yap but bro this is literally called a diary, what did you expect, anyways have a wonderful day goober



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