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welp I deleted entry 10, woopsie, it's was deadass a mistake, I was setting up this entry, but I was on the wrong file so I deleted 10, soooo lost media? There is a lot of ways I could get it back but I think it's funnier to do this, I think I might delete what I have left of entry 10, and plus it wasn't anything special.

Well I'll give a mind explaination rn, I'm trying to get back to writing my story I have been working on, I'm getting back into music production and i'm trying to write down lyrics. idrk how it will go, but I just wanna start working on those pipe dreams I have, because I love them and I want to pursue them, and plus i'm young so i can do it. this whole rant has made me very motivated, imma go open LMMS.

Bye bye ya silly goose



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