My First Entry

I'm writing this during my class break, the bell just went off. The existence of this webpage is just a black hole-

Sorry for cutting myself off, I had my friend run into the room I stay in during lunch-

I got cut off agan, i'm now typing this from my food class. It's a strange feeling seeing somebody cry, I hate the feeling of not being able to help, at the end of the day I brought my friend from breakdown to laughing, but still, I wish I could do more.

Like I said, I'm in food class right now, if i'm being honest I only took it since I knew it was an easy subject, and I already cook as a hobby. I have always struggled with theory based work, I thought thats what I would struggle with during this subject, but, like normal, I was wrong. My work in food consits of taking notes about food history then applying those notes, which is very easy, it's just copying information then regurgitating it in some form or another, theres no system, it's just history, which in general for me, is very easy.

In general i'm not the smartest person, I struggle socially, and In most other things, but sometimes my brain just clicks with a certain idea. The feeling of that click feels great, but then even a slight mistake makes a irreverent sense of imposter syndrome come out, for a pointless thing my brain starts freaking out

But this isn't my pitty party it's my diary sooooooooooooooooooo

I think thats enough for this entry, if I get in my own head there will be more text but yeah I guess thats it

Have a wonderful day whoevers reading this :3



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